A Review of A Strategy For Improving Software Maintenance Using Machine Learning for Security Requirements

Author: itsmaitrimanyahere2026, Raj Kumar Sharma International Journal of Information Security Engineering-STM Journals Issn: Date: 2024-12-28 01:47 Volume: 2 Issue: 2 Keyworde: Software Engineering, software maintainability prediction, machine learning, metric, Security Full Text PDF Submit Manuscript Journals


Within the area of software technical education, the significance of software defect discovery has increased as a research focus to enhance program reliability. By maximising testing resources and assisting developers in identifying potential problems using program defect predictions, program dependability is increased. Applying Software Engineering (SE) techniques to critical and intricate systems, like networking and security systems, is imperative. Traditional methods of predicting software maintainability have limitations, particularly in balancing security concerns, maintainability, and system integrity. This work explores the application of machine learning (ML) techniques to predict and improve software maintainability by identifying key software metrics. The study explores Several machines learning models, including deep learning, to increase the precision of the predictions made by software maintainability metrics. It also reviews existing research on software maintainability and defect prediction, identifying common research gaps such as model scalability, interpretability, and class imbalance issues. By employing ML classification techniques and addressing these gaps, this study aims to bridge the gap between security considerations and maintainability, providing more robust and efficient methods for software maintenance.

Keywords: Software Engineering, software maintainability prediction, machine learning, metric, Security


In software development, maintenance takes up around 70% of the time and is quite expensive for the developers. The complexity and scale of new software has expanded significantly in recent years, making it harder to manage [1]. Software maintainability and a product or organization’s financial performance are closely correlated [2]. We can forecast potential changes or software issues after it has been launched by using maintainability. Consequently, one of the qualities of software that influences its performance is its maintainability. During the maintenance phase, developers receive assistance in estimating the likely quantity of alteration that may take place in software components. Because the maintainability forecasts turned out to be accurate, software design can be modified to identify what has to be changed to produce software modules going forward

One major issue facing the computer industry is software maintainability [4]. Making the system automated is the rationale. Numerous approaches to artificial intelligence and machine learning have been employed up to this point. In most of the methods, testing has only been conducted with a limited set of software [5]. Previous works have shown that no research has been done on utilizing deep learning to forecast metrics for software maintenance. Furthermore, the software upkeep predictability shows only minor improvements as a result of such operations. Datasets are insufficient to produce definitive findings that shed light on the system’s input data. The connected software-related activity Maintainability The primary method of predictive analytics is the application of various machine learning methods.

Keyworde: Software Engineering, software maintainability prediction, machine learning, metric, Security

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