An AI Integrated Online Hotel Management System

Author: Neha Purohit, Ashish K. Sharma, Bhakti Thakre Journal of Web Engineering & Technology-STM Journals Issn: 2455-1880 Date: 2023-04-25 06:05 Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Keyworde: Online Hotel management, AI Integration, Online Hotel Reservation, chatbot, hotel operations Full Text PDF Submit Manuscript Journals


The rapid advancement in technology across all industries around the globe has paved the way for hospitality sector to reap benefits. Hotel management software has come an extended way in assisting hoteliers to amend the way their business functions. Hotel Management system includes many activities viz., maintaining hotel guest’s records, booking, doing registrations, posting of bills and input room hotel rates, etc. Thus, handling the items manually creates great challenges because the process is tiresome and time consuming. This generates the need for automating the process. An efficient hotel management system not only ensures significant time savings across the whole business but also enhances the staff’s productivity and contentment. The objective is to work owards the top goals of refining efficiency and increasing the guest experience. The main objective is to enhance customer experience and make businesses smarter besides automating the process of day-to-day activities of the hotel like searching rooms, booking rooms, booking tables, etc. Moreover, there are varied areas that need to be given serious attention in the hotel businesses for improved productivity and successful businesses. This varies from basic customer service, customize activities, more advanced troubleshooting and direct sales and direct mail processes which can be accomplished using AI Integration. To this end, this research presents AI incorporated Online Hotel Management System. This web application integrates AI driven chatbot and concierge, designed to deliver user friendly interface, allowing customers to ask questions and get almost instantaneous responses and ensures improved guests’ experience. The application has been developed using front end and back-end tools PHP and MySQL respectively. It is realized that the developed system will ease down all hotel operations and streamline various tasks to a large extent.

Keyworde: Online Hotel management, AI Integration, Online Hotel Reservation, chatbot, hotel operations

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