An Experimental Investigation of Machining Parameters on Aluminum Composites
The need for a material with good mechanical, thermal, and wear resistant properties is satisfied by aluminum composite. However, the biggest obstacle to substituting it with alternative materials is the machining challenges. For this kind of hard-to-cut material, electric discharge machining is a very efficient method. Thus, using a Taguchi-based method, an attempt has been made to determine the most advantageous amount of input parameters for EDM of Al composite. Taguchi’s orthogonal array is used in the creation of the experimentation plan. The investigation takes into account several process characteristics, including voltage, peak current, and pulse on time. Due to their unique mechanical properties, metal-matrix composites (MMCs) and hybrid metal-matrix composites (HMMCs) are cutting edge materials that are ideal for industrial use. When comparing single-reinforced composites to hybrid composites containing two or more reinforcing materials, the latter offer improved mechanical and tribological properties. Due to the difficulty of machining hard materials using traditional methods, non-conventional machining processes have been introduced. Electric discharge machines is widely acknowledged and utilized as a non-traditional procedure, regardless of the material properties of the workpiece. The primary objectives of the current endeavor are to enhance material removal rate and determine the optimal combination of EDM parameters. Liquid stir casting is the technique employed in fabricating aluminum hybrid composites. An L27 orthogonal array is utilized in the present work, demonstrating the impact of multiple factors on the resulting reactions. The Taguchi method was employed in the current study to identify the optimal combination of parameters.
Keywords: Composites, Taguchi, Process Parameters, Output Responses, Orthogonal Array, ANOVA
Keyworde: Composites, Taguchi, Process Parameters, Output Responses, Orthogonal Array, ANOVA
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