Analysis of Anti-psychotic Drug Penfluridol in Human Plasma by HPLC and MS/MS

Author: Arnav Walia Trends in Drug Delivery-STM Journals Issn: 2394-7268 Date: 2023-05-03 02:12 Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Keyworde: Penfluridol, LC-MS/MS, Antipsychotic, Depot Drug, K2EDTA Full Text PDF Submit Manuscript Journals


Penfluridol is a new long-acting neuroleptic drug known to be used widely for treating psychotic conditions. An internal standard was employed, which was penfluridol D7 (IS). The analyte and the IS were separated on a Phenomenex Kinetex C18, 5µm 100A, 100*4.6mm column using acetonitrile (40:60, v/v) as the mobile phase and 5 mM ammonium formate as the stationary phase. The retention time of Penfluridol and Penfluridol d7 was set at 2.94 and 2.75 mins respectively. Penfluridol and Penfluridol-d7 were detected and measured using the precursor to product ion transitions of m/z 524.300/203.100 m/z and 531.400/204.100 m/z, respectively. The investigation made use of an API-6500+ LC-MS/MS system running in multiple reactions monitoring (MRM) mode and outfitted with a turbo ion spray (TIS) source.We developed a highly sensitive, selective, and precise method for quantification of Penfluridol in human plasma.

Keyworde: Penfluridol, LC-MS/MS, Antipsychotic, Depot Drug, K2EDTA

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