Developing low power consumption Solar Atmospheric water generator for dealing with water crisis
Nowadays in India as well as in some places in the world there is a shortage of water. In the world, 46% of the population, which is nearly 2 billion people are unable to have a clean water source for a drink. This became a threat. On Earth, water is present in different forms. One of them is water vapor. The relative humidity on earth varies by season and place. Due to the presence of water in the air, this problem has been solved by using artificial condensation of water. Atmospheric water generators (AWGs) have already been made to deal with this. But in some places due to the lack of electricity and the inflation rate of electricity, AWG is hindering its work. For that we have solved this problem by using two things, the first is a solar panel AWG, and the second solar concentrator boiler AWG. Through this process, people can easily be able to have a clean water source at a low cost. This process doesn’t cause any pollution. This device is not only able to be used in the home but is also useful for offices, schools, and colleges. The small AWG can generate 1 to 20 liters of water in a day. The solar AWG is always kept on the upper side of the building and homes. It leads to covering a low area and space.