Monitoring Eddy Current Density Fluctuation and Power Management in Doped Al2O3 Nanowire

Author: Gizachew Diga Milki Nano Trends : A Journal of Nanotechnology and-STM Journals Issn: 0973-418X Date: 2024-08-29 02:19 Volume: 26 Issue: 01 Keyworde: Al2O3 nanowire, eddy current, density fluctuation, power management Full Text PDF Submit Manuscript Journals


Al2O3 nanowires exhibit fascinating electrical properties that span from insulating (dielectric) to superconducting properties. A model was designed to describe the phenomenon of the eddy electric current and eddy current density fluctuations. An Ohmic-type theorem was developed using the modified Green–Kubo theorem. With little modification, the Green–Kubo theorem was incorporated to explain the relationship between the eddy current density, electric field, and electric conductivity. Then, the factors contributing to eddy current density fluctuations were demystified. The current density fluctuation is therefore responsible for the resulting power dissipation in Al2O3 based transmission lines. A systematic approach is required to reduce dissipative effects and current density fluctuations. The electrical conductivity test is conveyed from the J − E⃗ graph while the electrical parameters characterizing the electrical transport phenomenon are determined from the J-Δn graph. The effects of coating nanowires, wireless sensor networking systems, and electrical power distribution monitoring and management systems are expected to minimize the electric power fluctuations caused by eddy current density fluctuations. This research presents insight into electric current density fluctuations and stimulates new vision for monitoring power dissipations caused by eddy current fluctuations.

Keyworde: Al2O3 nanowire, eddy current, density fluctuation, power management

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