Journal of Polymer and Composites

Journal Specification…
Type of Publication Peer-reviewed Journal (Refereed Journal)
Publisher STM Journals
Issues Per Year 3 issue per year(Print)
Indexing Googla Scholar
Latest Article

The Journal of Polymer & Composites [2321–2810(e)] is a peer-reviewed open-access journal of engineering and scientific journals launched in 2013 serving the fields of reinforced plastics and polymer composites including research, production, processing, and applications. PC brings you the details of developments in this rapidly expanding area of technology long before they are commercial realities. It provides a platform to discuss new issues in the area of polymer & composite that are a combination of polymers (i.e., thermosets or thermoplastics) with various continuous and non-continuous reinforcements/fillers, principally added to polymers to improve the material performance. The journal also seeks to advance the quality of research by publishing papers introducing or elaborating on new methods and practices in the field of Chemical Engineering.
