Cloud System Performance and Security Improvements with Multi-Tenancy integration
Cloud computing has emerged as a popular paradigm for delivering scalable and flexible computing resources to businesses and individuals. However, assuring the performance and security of cloud systems continues to be a significant concern. Multiple users or tenants can share the same cloud infrastructure thanks to multi-tenancy, a crucial notion in cloud computing. This dissertation explores the integration of multi-tenancy as a means to enhance the security and performance of cloud systems. The comprehensive review of the existing literature on cloud computing, multi-tenancy, and the associated security and performance challenges. It analyses the benefits and drawbacks of multi-tenancy and identifies the key research gaps that need to be addressed. To address the security concerns, the dissertation investigates various security mechanisms and techniques that can be employed within a multi-tenant cloud environment. It explores access control models, encryption techniques, and secure data isolation methods to ensure the privacy and integrity of tenant data. The dissertation also explores auditing and monitoring mechanisms to detect and mitigate potential security breaches.
Keywords: Cloud computing, multi-tenancy, Metlab, Interface Complexity, security
The phrase “cloud computing” describes the method of gaining access to data and programs Cloud computing has emerged as a popular paradigm for delivering scalable and flexible computing resources to businesses and individuals. However, assuring the performance and security of cloud systems continues to be a significant concern. Multiple users or tenants can share the same cloud infrastructure thanks to multi-tenancy, a crucial notion in cloud computing. This dissertation explores the integration of multi-tenancy as a means to enhance the security and performance of cloud systems. The comprehensive review of the existing literature on cloud computing, multi-tenancy, and the associated security and performance challenges. It analyses the benefits and drawbacks of multi-tenancy and identifies the key research gaps that need to be addressed. To address the security concerns, the dissertation investigates various security mechanisms and techniques that can be employed within a multi-tenant cloud environment. It explores access control models, encryption techniques, and secure data isolation methods to ensure the privacy and integrity of tenant data. The dissertation also explores auditing and monitoring mechanisms to detect and mitigate potential security breaches. Stored on remote servers in various data centres over the Internet. Instead of storing data and applications locally on each user’s computer or mobile device, cloud computing stores everything on a centralized server. As with many other modern applications, Facebook can be accessed and updated from any web enabled device [9]. Cloud computing is rapidly becoming more widespread in the technical sector in today’s age of plentiful digital resources.
Keyworde: Cloud computing, multi-tenancy, Metlab, Interface Complexity, security
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